
August 3, 2018

156% Tax Hike! What?

Do you want to see New York State taxes go up 156 percent? Neither do we. That is why your Chamber advocacy team is fighting to stop the state from moving to a single payer healthcare system. Do not confuse single payer with universal healthcare; it is not the same thing. Single payer is government run healthcare and New Yorkers cannot afford to pay for it. A recent study by the RAND Corporation found that New York State’s single payer proposal would require $139 billion in new state taxes, a 156-percent increase. New York State already imposes some of the highest taxes in the nation. Taxpayers simply cannot afford a costly state run health care system. Proposals like single payer are what keeps New York State the 49th worst state when it comes to business climate. We will continue to fight this proposal and we will advocate for policies that reduce the burdens that the state has placed on taxpayers and employers. Join the fight! Because of you our voice is strong. Read more on the realities of single payer.