Member Benefits
Proven benefits for every business. Regardless of size, industry sector or stage in a company’s lifecycle, you’ll find membership a valuable return on your investment. We offer opportunities to network, grow and enhance your business, develop your team, increase your profile and ultimately, expand your influence.
Your business needs an advocate that speaks your language. At the Chamber, we work tirelessly to shape policies, ideas and opportunities to improve the business environment. Our relentless advocacy supports members of all sizes and types. We bring a strong and influential voice on behalf of business to the table. We are especially engaged in influencing polices that make the Capital Region more competitive and lead to job creation. Click here to learn more about our advocacy work.
Build Your Profile/Promote Your Business
If you need to get word out about your company to the business community, the Regional Chamber offers a variety of opportunities through which member organizations can effectively target their marketing efforts. Contact Gloria Baker to learn more.
Business Directory
As a member, your business is promoted on our Chamber’s online member business directory, with more than 10,000 visitors per month.
Capital and Technical Assistance
Our Chamber administers a number of loan programs ranging from micro-loans to funding for up to $1 million to grow business and jobs in the Capital Region.
We also offer a 12-week Entrepreneur Boot Camp each spring and fall to increase the formation of new businesses and strengthen the operations of existing businesses during the early stages of development.
Community Calendar
If you are a Chamber member and are having an event that is open to the public, post it on our online Community Calendar that features business seminars, nonprofit fundraisers, arts and entertainment happenings and much more.
Conference Room Rental
Need a central location to hold a meeting or training session? We offer several options to meet your needs.
Click below to view the availability of conference rooms for our office in Albany:
- The Small Conference Room accommodates up to 20 people
- The Large Conference Room accommodates up to 48 people
- Combined, the two above rooms can hold up to 70 people.
Our office in Clifton Park can accommodate up to 24 people in the Multi-Media Center and up to 12 in the Conference Room.
Our office in Schenectady can accommodate up to 16 people in the Conference Room.
Call 518.431.1400 to make a reservation for one of the rooms above.
Connect To Peers
Through participation in peer groups (sometimes called business councils), connect with our members who share common business goals, interests and issues. These connections help grow business, advance careers and build lasting relationships. Each of our Chamber’s peer groups host programs throughout the year.
To learn more, visit the links below.
Credit Card Processing
The Retail Council of New York State offers Chamber members discounted credit and debit card processing services. Download a form here or contact Nicholl Lockwood for more information, and tell her the Chamber sent you!
E-mail Marketing
If you’re looking for a low-cost way to promote your company to the Capital Region business community, advertising in our Chamber’s electronic newsletter could help you hit your target audience. Those receiving Chamber communications and attending our events are among the decision-makers in their organizations. Our e-newsletters are sent to approximately 10,500 Chamber members.
E-mail Gloria Baker or call 518.431.1421 for advertising availability and pricing.
Health Insurance
We understand that health care benefits can be a complicated and emotional decision, which is why we offer health insurance options for small businesses (two to 100 employees) and sole proprietors (individuals). We’ll assist you in selecting a health care benefits plan that is within your budget while meeting your needs and those of your employees.
View our current plans and rates at
Job Openings and Volunteer Opportunities
Most membership levels are able to access our Jobs module to post jobs and resumes and search employment and volunteer opportunities.
To learn more, e-mail Jennifer Sims or call 518.431.1418.
Member Savings
Our members and their employees realize significant savings on a variety of services they use every day. Cost-saving benefits are offered through preferred Chamber partners, and discounts are offered to you through your fellow members. Be sure to explore them all and check back for new listings! In addition, let us know if you would like to offer a discount as a way of promoting your business to new customers.
More Potential Customers
Our Albany, Clifton Park, and Schenectady offices feature a display area for members to place their own business cards and grab the business cards of their fellow members.
Network and Learn at Events
Regional Chamber events are among the highest quality professional development and networking options in the Capital Region. You and all your employees have access to a wide-range of offerings to stay informed, hone skills and increase your visibility and meet potential new customers. Check out our calendar for upcoming events!
Recognizing that knowledge is power, we provide a wide-range of educational offerings for you and your employees to expand your knowledge and skills to grow your business.
We offer:
BusinessU, which features core skill development programs for new employees and managers; comprehensive training electives in areas such as strategy, finance, marketing and HR; and hot topic workshops in areas such as social media, increasing your ROI and more.
Councils and peer groups with business professionals in a particular industry sector or interest group that have speakers on timely topics at each of their meetings.
Leadership Capital Region, which is an interactive nine-month program that provides skill development and community immersion experiences that enables participants to grow personally and professionally as they explore issues and opportunities in the Capital Region.
Young Professionals Network to connect, develop and empower young professionals to ensure a strong talent pipeline in Tech Valley.
Ribbon Cuttings
We regularly conduct successful ribbon cutting events for businesses of all types and sizes. We happily assist and guide members with their ceremonies to help ensure a well-planned event. If you have any questions or are interested in a ribbon cutting ceremony, e-mail Pete Bardunias or call 518.522.7251. You can also complete this Ribbon Cutting Interest Form and return it to Pete Bardunias.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gain valuable exposure and credibility by co-branding your business with the Regional Chamber. Sponsorships, starting as low as a few hundred dollars, are available for members interested in reaching the region’s business and civic leaders. The Chamber has a strong reputation for hosting quality events and programs that attract decision-makers from a wide range of industries. E-mail Mark Eagan or call 518.431.1424 to learn more.