
Our region’s workforce matters. Our businesses need resources and access to quality training that will develop, train and inspire them. BusinessU is a trusted resource for staff development that can be found in one convenient place: Your Chamber. 

The Chamber developed BusinessU to serve as a central source to help businesses with their ongoing professional development needs. BusinessU provides a comprehensive approach to employee development and training that will continually adapt to the needs of our region.

We know that employees are a business’ greatest asset, and a well-trained workforce is essential for success in today’s competitive marketplace. Companies of all sizes face the ongoing challenge of keeping employees’ skills current and future-focused. Training programs are an important investment which can pay measurable dividends over years.


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Provide timely exposure and instruction on the most current issues and challenges facing companies in our region. New workshop topics will be identified throughout the year in response to participant demand and the ever-changing needs of business.

The BusinessU Faculty is comprised of the region’s top professionals in their fields, from sales and marketing to human resources to executive management and more.

Our inspiring instructors lead participants through subject matter in an open, encouraging environment. From basics to in-depth content, our experts provide it.

For current courses visit here.

You’ll get:

  • Time savings and real value
  • Quality of Expertise
  • Timely, relevant business training.

Business happens. We understand the need to offer training to fit your schedule.

Writing a Business Plan

Developing a written business plan is the first step for starting your own company. This will be the blueprint for your business and will describe how you intend to run your operations. It will also show others how you intend to successfully reach your goals.

For a comprehensive guide to writing your business plan, go to

A major component of the Regional Chamber’s Entrepreneur Boot Camp covers the development of a business plan. By the end of the course, participants will have completed drafts of their business plans. E-mail Laura Mann or call 518.431.1430 for more information.