May 19, 2016Norther Rivers Announces New Leaders
The Northern Rivers Family of Services Board of Directors announced today that William T. Gettman, Jr. has been selected to replace retiring Chief Executive Officer John Henley. Audrey LaFrenier, LCSW-R, Northern Rivers current Chief Operating Officer, will assume the newly-created role of President and Chief Operating Officer of the organization.
Gettman, who will formally join Northern Rivers July 18, currently serves as Executive Director of St. Catherine’s Center for Children in Albany. Previously he was the Executive Deputy Commissioner/Chief Operating Officer for the NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). He has also held leadership positions for private and public sector organizations focused on providing child welfare services and programs, including MAXIMUS, the NYS Child Support Processing Center (formerly Lockheed Martin IMS), the NYS Department of Social Services and UNISYS Corporation. He will oversee the construction and development of care systems, provide strategic guidance and ensure that the organization is poised now and in the future to provide both traditional and innovative services throughout New York State.
LaFrenier, who joined Northern Rivers member agency Parsons Child & Family Center more than 30 years ago, will assume the President’s role immediately. She became Chief Operating Officer upon the establishment of the organization in 2012 through the affiliation of Parsons and Northeast Parent & Child Society. She will serve as the architect for the organization’s transformative work to prepare for the new Medicaid managed care environment while preserving the interests of children, adults and families.
“Together, Bill and Audrey possess the qualities critical to continuing the growth and alignment of services that meet the ever-evolving needs of those we serve,” said Kimberleigh Phelan, chair of the Northern Rivers Board of Directors. “They were chosen with an eye towards the future of our organization—a future that will transform the way we provide our Life changing care to those we serve.”
”I am looking forward to joining Northern Rivers,” said Bill Gettman, incoming CEO. “For me, it’s about making a difference. I am confident that my experience, combined with the knowledge, skill and passion of the Northern Rivers workforce, will help us continue to make a significant impact upon the lives of children, adults, families and communities throughout New York State.”
“I have an enduring commitment to the mission of this organization,” said Audrey LaFrenier, President and COO. “I very much look forward to continuing to build upon our successes and providing a means by which we can assure quality services are available and accessible to those who need them.”