January 27, 2016New Professional Development Firm Created to Meet Demand for Non-Technical Training
In response to high demand from its customers for more professional development programs geared toward people-focused skills, MicroKnowledge, Inc. has created an affiliate organization, ProKnowledge, LLC, to provide a full range of training courses that address non-technical workplace skills.
“Many of our clients came to us expressing a real need for training in people skills, on workforce development topics like the multi-generational workplace, diversity awareness, time management and business writing,” said MicroKnowledge President Kathleen Pingelski, who also serves as president of ProKnowledge. “They have developed a real trust in us to provide technical training for their employees and asked for more training in other areas because they know we can deliver relevant content presented by excellent trainers.”
According to Pingelski, the creation of ProKnowledge was part of the overall growth strategy, providing MicroKnowledge with another avenue for training professionals at various levels within an organization.
“In recent years, there has been a great emphasis on technical skills to help the workforce adapt to new technologies as they emerge,” she said. “As a generation of young professionals who has grown up with these technologies becomes a larger part of the workforce, there is a need for advanced technology training, but it’s also important to go back to the basic skills that were part of the non-digital world. ProKnowledge provides training on those kinds of skills and behaviors.”
ProKnowledge offers training in cultural and compliance topics, such as diversity awareness, employee onboarding essentials, navigating the multi-generational workforce and creation of a respectful workplace. Staff development courses, such as those focusing on emotional intelligence, difficult conversations and facilitation skills, are also offered.
Management and leadership sessions include interviewing essentials, managing conflicts, motivating a team and managing change. ProKnowledge also conducts DiSC Workplace Profile assessments, a work style assessment tool that determines an individual’s workplace priorities and preferences that can then help build strategies for working with colleagues.
ProKnowledge shares office space with MicroKnowledge at 21 British American Blvd. in Latham. For more information about courses, go to or call 518.786.1338.