
May 24, 2023

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan Elected President of the New York State Conference of Mayors

Mayor Kathy Sheehan was elected to become the 97th President of the New York State Conference Mayors at NYCOM’s Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 18th. Mayor Sheehan will serve a one-year term as NYCOM President.

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan said, “I am so honored to have been selected by my fellow mayors as the new President of the New York Conference of Mayors. After serving this organization for nearly 10 years as both Treasurer and Vice President, I have seen firsthand the power of our unified voice, and I look forward to working alongside our entire conference to help advocate for innovative and transformative solutions to some of the more important issues faced by New York’s cities and villages, including securing much-needed state aid for our municipalities, improving our infrastructure, attracting cutting-edge industries, and addressing the refugee crisis.”

Peter A. Baynes, Executive Director of the Conference of Mayors said, “City and village governments are central to the success of our State. New York’s quality-of-life – including its affordability and public safety – depends upon the hard work of hundreds of dedicated local leaders. Mayor Sheehan’s vast and innovative experience running a complex city will be put to great use as NYCOM leads and advises our members on meeting the challenges of our times.”

Senator Neil Breslin said, “I want to extend my congratulations to Mayor Kathy Sheehan on being elected President of the New York Conference of Mayors. I have seen first-hand how under her stewardship the City of Albany has thrived and become a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family. With her wealth of experience and expertise I have no doubt Mayor Sheehan will do a terrific job leading NYCOM.”

Assemblymember Patricia Fahy said, “Mayor Sheehan has long been a proponent of smart growth, strong communities, and fiscal responsibility as Mayor of the City of Albany. I congratulate her and the New York Conference of Mayors on her election as President and have no doubt she will bring the same skillset and determination to this new statewide role. I look forward to seeing Mayor Sheehan’s continued success and to getting to work with her in this new capacity.”

Assemblymember John T. McDonald III, RPh said “Congratulations to City of Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan on being elected as the 97th President of the New York State Conference Mayors. As a former NYCOM President, I know the important role the association plays in making sure the needs of our villages and cities are strongly represented. Mayor Sheehan’s experience makes her the perfect fit for the position, and I look forward to continuing our work together to provide essential municipal services.”

Mayor Kathy Sheehan is in her third term as Albany’s 75th mayor and has dedicated her administration to creating a City of opportunity, leading with a commitment to equity and responsive government that includes diverse community voices. Under Mayor Sheehan’s leadership, the City has invested more than $100 million in new parks, streets, sidewalks, and water and sewer infrastructure across the city, with a focus on neighborhoods impacted by redlining and other historically discriminatory practices. Mayor Sheehan worked with the Common Council to enact groundbreaking equity legislation and policing reform initiatives and has led a multi-year effort to eliminate blight and sub-standard housing in the City.

Since Mayor Sheehan took office, Albany has seen $1 billion in new development citywide, with another $900 million in the pipeline – all indicators of continued historic investment in New York’s Capital City. Kathy’s innovative streetlight purchase and conversion program has reduced the Albany’s carbon emissions, improved pedestrian safety, and saved millions in taxpayer dollars – plus, her administration is further combatting climate change by planting 2,025 new trees by 2025, installing electric car charging stations throughout the city, and empowering its Director of Sustainability to keep the city on track to meet its 2030 climate goals.

Mayor Sheehan worked closely with federal, state, and local partners throughout the COVID pandemic to connect residents with food, PPE, and vital healthcare resources, grant millions to support small businesses, tenants, and landlords, and secure $81 million in vital federal funding to ensure the City’s continued fiscal health and make $25 million in transformative investments across Albany.

Kathy served a four-year term as Albany’s Treasurer prior to being elected mayor. Before serving in elected office, Mayor Sheehan was the vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary of a publicly traded medical device manufacturer.

Kathy is a graduate of Albany Law School and Bowling Green State University. She lives in Albany’s Arbor Hill neighborhood with her husband, Bob.

The NYCOM officers elected by membership to serve a one-year term are:
President – Mayor Kathy Sheehan, City of Albany
First Vice President – Mayor RuthAnn Loveless, Village of Hamilton
Second Vice President – Mayor Christopher Rosenquest, City of Plattsburgh
Treasurer – Mayor William Aiello, City of Olean

The Conference of Mayors represents 575 cities and villages in New York State, ranging from the smallest village to the City of New York. NYCOM has been in existence since 1910.