
April 21, 2021

Clarkson University Capital Region Campus Launches New Master of Arts in Teaching Business, Computer Science


close up programmer student hand typing on keyboard at computer desktop to input code language into software for study bug and defect of system in classroom , development of technology concept

Clarkson University has launched two new Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) programs at its Capital Region Campus in Schenectady, NY. The new Master of Arts in Teaching certifications in Business and Marketing and in Computer Science aim to fill needs in the region’s schools.

According to Chair of Education and Associate Director of Institute for STEM Education Catherine Snyder, the computer science program is a new certification pathway in New York State, while the business and marketing program will help stabilize business programs at local schools.

“For the last few years schools have seen their business programs shrink because of the teacher shortage,” Snyder said. “Our program will fill a valuable niche for schools to not only maintain their business programs, but expand them to meet the changing needs of students.”

As for the computer science program, Snyder said that previously, computer science was taught by teachers certified to teach technology or mathematics.

“Recognizing the changes in the field, New York State created this new, specialized pathway. Individuals with degrees in computer science should consider this career pathway,” Snyder said. “Schools are in high need for computer science teachers to teach students from kindergarten through 12th grade. Computer Science teachers will play a vital role in preparing students for life after high school.”

Local school administrators are relieved to see the new educational opportunities available to MAT candidates.

“In order to truly prepare our students for the global marketplace, we need highly effective and passionate teachers of technology and business,” said Jim Niedermeier, Ed.D., Superintendent of Duanesburg Central School. “Unfortunately, as the need to increase students’ technology and business literacy increases, the number of qualified candidates for these positions in our region has decreased. Clarkson’s willingness to close this gap speaks to its responsiveness to the job market.”

Clarkson’s MAT program is delivering a comprehensive educational experience to its students in these programs. Christina Flaspohler ‘21 feels she was highly qualified to enter the workforce upon completion of her degree.
“Every part of Clarkson’s program is geared toward success in the classroom,” Flaspohler said. “The quality of the content delivered and the expanded residency gave me all the qualities that employers are seeking. I’ve entered my first position with all the skills and confidence I need to have a very successful and rewarding career in teaching.”

Individuals interested in Clarkson’s new MAT in Business and Marketing or Computer Science programs should contact Clarkson’s Education Department for information about full-year teaching residency programs and available scholarships by email at