September 17, 2020Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) to Begin ‘Virtual Learning Space’ on September 28, 2020
To help support the educational needs of the community at this challenging time, the Museum of Innovation and Science is opening a ‘Virtual Learning Space’ where students in grades 1–5 can attend their virtual classes and complete assignments. Museum staff will be present to supervise and help with lessons and homework while ensuring that safety protocols and guidelines are followed.
The ‘miSci Virtual Learning Space’ will begin on Monday, September 28. The program runs daily from 8 am to 5 pm and costs $60 per day for non-members and $50 per day for members. Patrons may also register on a weekly (5 days) basis, which costs $275 for non-members and $225 for members. Registration is available at Space is limited and available on a first-come, first served basis.
Daily schedules will be flexible to match the times of the student’s virtual lessons and provide time for them to complete assignments. Students will also have the opportunity to explore the Museum’s exhibitions under the supervision of trained staff members.
Participants are responsible for the login information and web addresses required for attending their virtual classes. At the time of drop off, parents/guardians will provide a daily schedule of the classes that the student will be attending while in ‘miSci’s Virtual Learning Space’.
To ensure social distancing guidelines, miSci asks that parents and guardians schedule dates at least one week in advance. Payment is due at the time of online registration.
All students will be required to bring their lunch in a closed container. Those students who may have difficulty in securing food for lunch should contact miSci at (518) 382-7890 or via email at to discuss options that may be available.
Students are required to bring all technology and materials necessary to participate in their classes and complete their lessons and homework. In order to ensure the safety of student’s equipment, all technology brought to miSci by students should be clearly marked with the student’s name and contact information. When not in use, materials will be placed in a lockable room which can only be accessed under the supervision of a miSci employee.
To reduce the distraction of multiple students completing online instruction, headphones will be required. All students will be provided with access to miSci’s high-speed Wi-Fi. Electronics such as cell phones and video game devices should not be brought to the ‘Virtual Learning Space’.
All students must abide by miSci’s safety protocols and guidelines. miSci staff will be present throughout the day to ensure that procedures are followed.
• Students are required to wear masks at all times. This does not apply when eating.
• Students will observe social distancing and stay at least six feet away from others.
• Parents and guardians will complete an electronic daily health survey that must be submitted to miSci at least one day prior to the scheduled attendance date(s). This survey can be accessed at
• Students will observe recommended hand washing and sanitizing protocols.
• Students are required to comply with the reasonable instructions of miSci personnel.
Further information regarding the program can be found at