
July 31, 2020

Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library Events August 10th to 16th

The following programs will be offered virtually during the week of August 10-16. Our digital resources can be accessed anytime by visiting our website:

Page Turners Adventures: Imagine Your Underwater Story—August 10-14
Hey kids—you are invited to get wet and wild this week for underwater adventures. You’ll learn weird, watery facts, make fun crafts including Hydro-dipping, and watch a mind-blowing bubble show all the way from Germany! A valid Facebook account is required. Visit our Events Calendar for details and to sign up. Tune in all summer long for exciting new adventures!

Choosing and Using Genealogy Software—Monday, August 10 at 12 pm
Professional genealogist Lisa Dougherty will examine the types of genealogy software, compare the features of the major brands, and provide demonstrations of both online and offline programs. This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. It will require access to a computer, mobile device with the Zoom app installed, and/or a phone for audio-only access. Please provide a valid email address when registering to receive the Zoom meeting invite.

Evening Book Group: There There: A Novel by Tommy Orange —Tuesday, August 11 at 7 pm
This month, we will be discussing our originally scheduled title. First-time participants are always welcome! This online program uses the Zoom live streaming platform. It will require access to a computer, mobile device with the Zoom app installed, and/or a phone for audio-only access. Please provide a valid email address when registering to receive the Zoom meeting invite.

Plant & Nature Apps and Resources—Wednesday, August 12
Information on apps and resources for your nature exploration. Great resource for all ages, school-age through adult. Look for this video on our YouTube channel:

College & Scholarship Essay Writing Workshop—Wednesday, August 12 at 6 pm
This workshop will focus on developing ideas, the use of clear and persuasive language, first draft, and editing. Feel free to have essay questions and current drafts on-hand. This online program uses the WebEx live streaming platform. It will require access to a computer, mobile device with the WebEx app installed, and/or a phone for audio-only access. Please provide a valid email address when registering to receive the WebEx meeting invite.

Foreign Film: Nostalgia for the Light – Thursday, August 13
Enjoy this title–from the comfort of your own home–with Hoopla on our usual Foreign Film night.

Teen LEGO Challenge—Friday, August 14
Check out our Teen Instagram account @cphlibteens for a new LEGO challenge to create at home. Submit pictures of your creation to be entered to win an awesome prize! For teens entering grades 6-12.

Summer Reading Club Challenge!
Readers of all ages can participate in this summer’s reading challenges at the Library. Challenge cards for kids, teens, and adults can be picked up in the Library or printed at home. Read, keep track, participate in activities, and redeem for prizes. Visit our summer reading page for more information:

Live Reference Help—Extended hours
Patrons can call the Library at 518-371-8622 or email us at and we will respond to your questions. As of July 20, our extended reference hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9 am to 3 pm; Tuesday, Thursday from 1 to 7 pm; and Saturdays from noon to 3 pm