
May 20, 2020

Bryant Asset Management Assisting Individuals Who Have Been Laid Off

Facing a layoff is a nerve-wracking event that leaves many reeling. How long will I be out of work? Do I have a savings cushion that can last until I find a new job? Will I be able to make the payments on my house?

Chamber Member, Conor Bryant, Certified Financial Planner from Bryant Asset Management can help. He can begin to take stock of your situation, methodically address your priorities and try to weather this setback without radically restructuring your finances.

He can also help determine if filing for unemployment makes sense, create a budget, shop for health insurance, prepare for job hunt and help manage retirement assets.

Please feel free to reach out to Conor as a business owner or employee who is dealing with a transition.

Phone: 518 439-1141 Ext. 125