September 19, 2019Healthy Food Tastings at Ida Yarbrough
On a beautiful sunny day, residents of Albany’s Ida Yarbrough Apartments enjoyed samples of healthy foods, took home tips for eating healthy, and had an opportunity to win a gift basket.
“We are excited to be joining Capital Roots’ Healthy Stores program, which, with partial support from MVP, have been running since 2011 in 20 locations throughout the Capital Region,” said Amy Young, executive director of the American Heart Association in the Capital Region. “The American Heart Association encourages everyone to have five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, but in too many communities, it can be difficult to find those fresh foods. Capital Roots has identified a solution, and we are proud to stand with SEFCU and MVP to improve the health of our community.”
“At MVP Health Care, we know that social factors, such as the lack of access to healthy and nutritious food, can greatly effect a person’s overall health and well-being,” said Ellen Sax, MVP Health Care’s Senior Leader for Community Engagement. “This program has shed a light on the tremendous need in the Capital Region for fresh, affordable produce, and we are so proud to partner with the Capital Roots Healthy Stores Initiative to provide fruits and vegetables to communities that may not otherwise have access to them.”
“We started the Healthy Stores program in 2011 as part of our multi-pronged approach to food access in urban spaces. The program was an instant success in the neighborhoods we served, but it has grown considerably since then due to the support of MVP over the years,” said Capital Roots’ Chief Executive Officer Amy Klein. “We are very pleased to have additional partners, like the American Heart Association and SEFCU, who recognize the value of using existing infrastructure, like small businesses, to provide healthier options for the region’s urban neighborhoods.”
SEFCU is a consistent supporter of the American Heart Association, which donated $2,500 on their behalf to the Healthy Stores program.
“SEFCU is proud to partner with the American Heart Association and Capital Roots to ensure that more people in our region have access to affordable and healthy food. Building a diet around fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way to develop a healthier lifestyle. Ensuring that nutritious options are available through bodegas in Schenectady, Troy, and the one here at Ida Yarborough in Albany, will be life-changing for people living nearby,” said SEFCU President and CEO Michael Castellana. “This program will increase access to fresh produce for those who are regularly forced to make unhealthy dietary choices, or simply go without, due to high food costs or limited access to heart-healthy options. I look forward to further collaborations that will lead to the development of innovative ways to eliminate hunger across the Capital Region.”