
April 25, 2019

CEO of Pioneer Bank to Speak at Global EMS Leadership Summit

As part of a global summit with the mission of providing expert leadership advice to the emergency services field, Thomas Amell, MBA, President & CEO Of Pioneer Bank, a community bank headquartered in Colonie, New York, will share with emergency services professionals his story of providing executive leadership and strategy for developing a
cohesive team culture.

Amell’s strategies for creating a culture change within Pioneer Bank’s 22 branches around the Capital District will be highlighted during the second day of the three-day online Summit in an interview entitled, “Creating a Winning Team, A Story of Total Transformation on Wednesday, May 2nd at 11AM EST. He will discuss how transparency, honesty, and putting people first, works in any industry, banking or EMS, and how inclusion, engagement, and making people part of the decision-making process builds trust – a central tenet of their business model.

Amell is one of several local leadership experts locally who were tapped to impart their leadership wisdom to assist a profession that is increasingly fighting for survival, often faced with low retention and lack of funding from municipalities and payors. In New York State, three ambulance services have closed down already this year: The Ambulance Service of Fulton County on February 8th, the Johnstown Area Volunteer Ambulance of Fulton County on March 16th, The Avon Rotary-Lions Ambulance of Monroe County on April 6th. “More than 20 ambulance services closed in the last 16 months across multiple states,” according to Bob Holdsworth, paramedic and consultant based in Cromwell, Connecticut.

In response, the EMS Leadership Academy is launching the first of its kind free online EMS Leadership Summit to connect Emergency Medical Services (EMS) professionals with proven researched methods of leadership training that will help them learn to develop a thriving and more sustainable organization.

The virtual conference runs May 1, 2, 3, 2019 and delivers strategies for leadership and organizational change via engaging pre-recorded interviews with over 30 top EMS and healthcare leadership experts from around the world, now representing 5 countries.

Local hosts Robbie MacCue, paramedic and co-founder of the EMS Leadership Academy and Lisa Giruzzi, co-founder of the EMS Leadership Academy, transformational business coach, best selling author and speaker will kick off the EMS Leadership Summit on Tuesday, April 30th at 8:00 pm EST with, “How to Enjoy the Climb,” to introduce virtual attendees to the many leadership experts who will provide actionable steps to take in order to connect theory to practice.

“With many EMS organizations facing an aging membership, loss of engagement, and a lack of proper funding, leadership development is critical and often missing. It’s crucial for leaders to invigorate the field and attract people who bring their time, talent and treasure to organizations,” said MacCue. “We are excited to provide this much-needed training for a field that, although critical to life and death, is facing a crisis.”

“This free no-travel event provides professional development without participants having to take the time and money to travel to a conference,” said Giruzzi. “It is designed to meet the needs of EMS agencies, large and small, to develop leaders who can execute a shared vision for the future of their organizations. The leadership training is geared toward EMS, but beneficial for any organization.”

Other local speakers joining Amell, MacCue and Giruzzi are:

Frankie Rodriguez – Managing Partner of Infinity Medical Solutions in Colonie, NY and an EMS professional with
extensive experience in all aspects of emergency services. May 2, Wed @ 5 PM EST

Rodriguez will talk about The Secrets to Engagement and Retention , one of the biggest challenges in any organization. People who are engaged with an organization and feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves are far more likely to stick around. Rodriguez, a flight paramedic with over 27 years of experience, shares what he has discovered to be the most effective strategies for creating a magnetic organization where people actually want to participate.

Lorraine Ferguson – Sandler Training – May 3, Wed @ 12 PM EST

What’s in it for them? Engaging Funders, Donors, & Enrolling Supporters. Whether we like it or not, fundraising and securing financial support from our elected officials is part of our job. Lorraine Ferguson brings over 25 years experience as an executive selling, sales and operations management at the corporate, regional and branch level for start-up, franchise, Fortune 500, and private equity companies. Recently Lorraine published a book, The Unapologetic Saleswoman, and will share secrets to her highly successful training and sales methodology.

Gina Wierzbowski – Community Outreach Coordinator at Clifton Park-Half Moon EMS and deputy town Supervisor
in Glenville, NY – May 3, Wed @ 12 PM EST

Part I: Advocating & Educating Your Elected Officials and Part II: Community Outreach, more than pancake breakfasts! Gina Wierzbowski shares her insights and her organization’s successes in community outreach initiatives that deeply embed the EMS department into the community it serves.

Steven Kroll – Executive Director and Chief of Delmar-Bethlehem EMS – May 3, Wed @ 6 PM EST

Merger is not a dirty word. Steve has been an EMT or Paramedic since 1982 and working in healthcare advocacy and administration after earning his Masters in Health Administration and Policy from Duke University. Steve has personally overseen the merger of three ambulances services that include both paid and volunteer EMS professionals. As ambulance services begin to see the benefits of shared services and synergies, Steve will explain the benefits of working on your terms rather than forced terms. Steve is the Principal of Steve Kroll Innovations (SKI) and specializes in performance improvement consulting.

Aidan O’Connor Jr, Regional Business Development Manager for LifeNet of New York, Flight Paramedic and Former County Legislator – May 3, Wed @ 8 PM EST

Aidan has previously served as Minority Leader and Chairperson of the Health Services Committee on the Greene County Legislature and was a candidate for the New York State Assembly in 2018. He will discuss why advocacy, lobbying and having open communication with government representatives and agencies is an essential duty of any leader within the EMS profession. During his presentation, The ABCs of Change: Advocacy Before Complaining , you and your team can learn how, when, who and where to advocate on behalf of your patients, your organization and the
entire EMS community.

Day one of the Summit is titled, “Leadership Starts With Yourself” and topics include mindfulness, communication practices for leaders, assessing and monitoring an organization’s financial health, how to present data in creative ways to maximize educational impact, and more.

Day two is titled, “Leading Teams Within Your Organization” and topics include creating a culture shift within an organization, how to create a winning team, safety and wellness, creating a culture of excellence, how to find a mentor, rebooting in times of crisis, safety, security and human resource management, engagement and retention of good people and more.

Day three is titled, “Leading Your Organization and External Partnerships” and topics include creating a culture of clinical excellence, advocacy, community awareness marketing, engaging supporters and donors, crisis communication, storytelling to communicate your message, mergers, and more.

For more information and to register for the Summit, visit
View a virtual exhibit hall at