
July 20, 2018

Urgent Need for Baby Products!

Whitney Young Health’s in-house WIC Program needs your help! On Monday, July 16th, WIC, located at their Albany Health Center, experienced major flooding, which has caused them to relocate temporarily. Along with the damaged office space are also damaged baby goods that their WIC staff has gathered for the Community Baby Shower event they host every year on August 2nd during World Breastfeeding Week. WYH is in desperate needs to replenish these baby items so they do not have to cancel the Community Baby Shower.

Whitney Young Health is very fortunate to live in a community that shows a lot of support for local non-profits. If anyone could donate boppy pillows, diapers, and any breastfeeding or infant necessities by Wednesday, August 1st they would greatly appreciate it. The mothers who belong in their WIC program normally can’t afford these type of items. If you’re interested in donating, you can drop the items off at WYH’s Watervliet Health Center at 1804 2nd Avenue in Watervliet or you can call Kate Renna to pick them up at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kate Renna at (518) 591-4472 or