January 11, 2018Business Aviation Complex Takes Off with Grant Funding
Schenectady County Officials thanked Governor Cuomo for providing a $1.485 million grant announced to create a new Business Aviation Complex at the County Airport.
“Thank you Governor Cuomo for this significant investment and continued support of Schenectady County, especially our County Airport,” said Anthony Jasenski, Chairman of the Schenectady County Legislature. “This major infrastructure grant boosts our efforts to build a new Business Aviation Center at the Schenectady County Airport.”
The County will provide a $165,000 match for the new grant which will be used to extend water and sewer service to a new aircraft apron that the County will construct north of the Airport Tower. Once this infrastructure work is completed, Richmor Aviation will build a new $5 million hangar and office complex on the new apron allowing the company to increase the number of business aircraft it now services.
County officials previously worked together with Richmor and the Schenectady County Metroplex Development Authority to build a new 20,000 square foot hangar at the Airport and were successful in attracting the largest air ambulance company in North America (REVA Air Ambulance). The new Business Aviation Center seeks to build on this success. At the same time, new companies are moving to the County-owned Airport Business Park. Three companies (Bruno Associates, C2 Design Group and Euro Tile and Stone) are planning new facilities at the business park. The Bruno Associates building is now under construction while the new building that will house the other two companies will begin construction this Spring.
The Schenectady County Airport is home to the Stratton Air National Guard base, a Joint Military Reserve Training Center, Richmor Aviation, DSM (formerly Fortitech), SCCC’s flight training and air traffic controller programs, the County’s ice skating facility and the Airport Business Park.