
January 2, 2018

2018 Tulip Queen Nominations Now Open

Nominate a local young woman to continue Albany’s famous tradition of community service.

The City of Albany seeks nominations for the 2018 Tulip Queen & Court. Nominations for young women interested in continuing Albany’s long-standing legacy of community service may be submitted through Monday, April 2 via

Part of an Albany tradition that stretches back to the late 1940s, the Tulip Queen and her four Tulip Court members are chosen by a committee of local leaders through an extensive interview process. After the Queen is crowned at the annual Tulip Festival, the five young women will spend a full year working together on Albany community outreach programs and educational initiatives.

Nominees must have a strong sense of community, be knowledgeable of the Albany area and its history, and possess leadership skills. Eligible nominees are women between the ages of 18 and 24 residing in Albany County for their entire year of reign (May 2018 – May 2019).

The Tulip Queen will be awarded a $5000 scholarship, and each Court member will receive a $1500 scholarship award upon completion of the program.

To nominate an extraordinary young woman for this prestigious program, visit This site provides easy access to the 2018 nomination form as well as information about the Tulip Queen and Court selection process, photos, events and blogs by current Tulip Queen Ashley Loggins and her court members.

Nominations may also be placed by submitting a letter detailing the candidate’s qualifications to:

Albany Tulip Queen Selection Committee

City Hall, Room 402

24 Eagle St.

Albany, New York 12207

All written nominations should include the candidate’s name, address and phone number, as well as the name and phone number of the nominator. is maintained by WSG.

The 70th Annual Albany Tulip Festival will be held May 12 & 13, 2018.  For information on the Tulip Queen Coronation or the Albany Tulip Festival, call 518.434.2032 or visit