September 18, 2017TEDxAlbany 2017 Announces Call for Speakers
Today TEDxAlbany, an independently organized event annually sponsored by Overit, announces its call for speakers. This year’s daylong event will take place on Thursday, December 7 at Overit’s offices on New Scotland Avenue in Albany. All interested speakers are encouraged to submit thought-provoking presentation ideas via
Launched in 2009, TEDx is a program of locally organized events that bring the community together to share a TED-like experience. Some of the best TEDx talks have been featured on and receive millions of views from audiences across the globe. Previous TEDxAlbany speakers have included: Cristin Steding (Upstate Club), Jaqi Cohen (New York Public Interest Research Group), John Sheehan (Adirondack Council), Sam Necrason (CommerceHub), John Vavalo (Terradiol), Ric Orlando (New World Bistro and New World Catering) and more.
“We are thrilled to support TEDxAlbany for the fifth consecutive year,” said Dan Dinsmore, founder and CEO of Overit. “Every year TEDxAlbany offers copious amounts of new topics from remarkable speakers, which results in a thought-provoking and unique experience for event goers.”
Those with new, focused and globally-oriented topic ideas that are interested in speaking at this event should visit to learn more about the submission process.
“The presentations we want to include in the lineup for TEDxAlbany this year are unique, captivating and leave attendees inspired,” said Lisa Barone, TEDxAlbany organizer. “We’ve had some incredible presentations since TEDx returned to Albany in 2013 and we want to continue that pattern again this year.”
The deadline to submit a proposal is Friday, November 3, but the final list of speakers will be determined on a first-come, first-serve basis. Tickets to attend TEDxAlbany will go on sale in October 2017.