
September 14, 2016

Take the Survey: The Linium Index of High-Tech Hiring

Let the survey begin! We hope you’ll take a moment to add your voice to the Fall 2016 Linium Index of High-Tech Hiring.


Your responses will help us assess the outlook for the regional technology job market in the 4th quarter, including whether workforces will be growing, which jobs are at a premium, and where the best and brightest candidates are being found.

Click here to take the online Linium Index Survey

The survey is confidential and takes 90 seconds or less to complete. We’ll collect responses through Thursday, September 29th and release the results next month.

Remember, the Linium Index survey is open to both high-tech and traditional companies. Thanks in advance for your participation!

Read the results of the Summer 2016 Linium Index of High-Tech Hiring