
April 19, 2017

SCCC Hosts Forum

To whichever side of the political aisle we are drawn, JOBS are a top priority for most of us!  As a society, we value work…folks having the opportunity to earn a living, be productive, contribute… 

 For those of us, who were taught that we are capable of contributing and having a successful career, getting into (and staying in) the workforce is a no brainer!  This is not the case for everyone.  Federal labor statistics report that only 20.4% of people with disabilities participate in the workforce….Compare this to the 68.7% rate for people without disabilities!

 Successful journalist Greg Hitchcock, who also lives with a mental illness diagnosis, will be one of five panelists to speak on April 26th at Schenectady County Community College (SCCC).  This forum – How to Earn an Employer’s Confidence and Build your Own! – is being co-sponsored by the Statewide Business Advisory Council of the Mental Health Association in N.Y.S. and Schenectady County Community College.

 Even after earning his degree from SUNY Albany, Greg went from job to job, accepting any position that he was offered – supermarket store clerk, insurance salesperson, etc.  Fearful that his mental illness diagnosis would be discovered, he did not believe that he was capable of performing a job which required his writing abilities.  It was only after a co-worker suggested to their supervisor to give Greg a writing assignment that Greg began to recognize this natural ability.  It was at that point that his journalism career began to flourish. 

 Another panelist and Human Resources Manager Patrisia Sheremeta explains how “critically important it is that job seekers be thoroughly aware of their strengths and skills before going into an interview.  You cannot convince someone that you are strong in a skill unless you have identified what you are good at…”

 Five local employers (including MVP Health care and Greno Industries) along with representatives from SCCC’s ADA Transitions Club and N.Y.S. Civil Service 55B will also be participating on the 26th.  “After all,” as forum organizers explained, “we all recognize that without contacts and networks, opportunities are limited!”

This is a free event and open to the public… JOB SEEKERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND…Wednesday, April 26th, 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. at Schenectady County Community College – Stockade Building, Room 102.  To register, go to or call (518) 434-0439 x224 and ask for Marsha Lazarus.