
June 12, 2015

Northeast Smart Manufacturing Industry Day

You’re Invited to the  Northeast Smart Manufacturing Industry Day June 19, 2015 8:00am to 4:00pm


You and your colleagues at your company are cordially invited to participate in the Northeast Smart Manufacturing Industry Day on Friday June 19, 2015. The day long workshop will provide an early overview of the upcoming Department of Energy (DOE)-sponsored Institute for Manufacturing Innovation (IMI) opportunity focused on Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing.

Our partners – MIT, RIT, Rensselaer, and University at Buffalo – would value your participation, and we believe that you would find both the discussion and opportunities very compelling for your company. The workshop will bring together leaders from industry, academia and government to explore potential areas for collaboration, and to better understand industry needs and program opportunities. Of particular interest is getting industry feedback regarding plans to take advantage of this IMI opportunity from the DOE.

There is no cost to attend the Northeast Smart Manufacturing Industry Day, however registration is required. The Workshop will be held on Friday, June 19 at the MIT Industrial Liaison Program, One Main Street, Building E90-1200, Cambridge, MA 02142. Networking and continental breakfast will begin at 8:00am; the program will run from 9:00am to approx. 4:00pm. For more information and registration, please click here.

Our partners hope to see you at the workshop on June 19.



Center for Economic Growth | 39 North Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12207| Tel: 518.465.8975

Funding Partners

The Center for Economic Growth (CEG) is the premier economic development organization in New York’s Tech Valley and serves as the Capital Region’s designated Regional Technology Development Center.

With over 300 C-level members in business, government, education, and the not-for-profit sectors, CEG’s vision is to lead Tech Valley as one of the most prosperous and innovative ecosystems in the world. Together with its partners, the organization works to build a skilled and sustainable Workforce and Education pipeline; cultivate a strong Entrepreneurial ecosystem; and ensure a modern Infrastructure to grow local companies, attract new investment and prepare our communities for growth.

In addition, in its role as the Regional Technology Development Center designated by ESD, NYSTAR as part of the NY Manufacturing Extension Partnership and the federal NIST/Manufacturing Extension Partnership, CEG assists local manufacturing and technology companies with generating new sales, creating stronger operational infrastructure and overcoming barriers to growth and innovation.

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