
October 21, 2015

Help Support the Albany Symphony and the Arts at Wine & Dine for the Arts

The 2016 Albany Chefs’ Food & Wine Festival event WINE & DINE FOR THE ARTS is just around the corner!  The Albany Symphony is proud to be a recipient of support from this year’s event.

Wine & Dine for the Arts is an annual culinary festival, supporting the Albany Arts community, and is one of the MOST successful charitable events in the Capital Region. From Grand Tastings to the exciting Slider Slam and Grand Gala Reception, the festival offers a diverse selection of unique events.

Most importantly, you are supporting the Albany Symphony, our friends at the Palace Theatre and many other arts and cultural institutions in Albany.

SAVE THE DAY! January 14-16, 2016

Your support of Wine & Dine for the Arts is incredibly important!

Tickets are on sale now and selling fast!